Lynx: Although the product is aimed at people of all ages, The marketing side of the brand is very much aimed at the young adult.
Urban Outfitters: A clothing brand aimed at 16 - 25
Similar layout to many other sites. Even the lynx one above.
GQ: Large british magazine that is aimed at 18-25 year olds.
The content is broad in this magazine and it covers politics, fashion, style, entertainment, sport, comment and reviews.
Mens Fitness:
Mens fitness- Another magazine that is aimed at the target audience.The magazine is very cluttered on the front. The change in the colours of the front are varied creating impact. The website is very basic and reminds me more of a blog layout than a website.
Ecko Unltd:
Urban clothing brand aimed at the same target market that I am trying to communicate with.
The design is basic, quite old fashioned in layout.
Nike:Nike website that uses an interesting layout. The target market is quite broad but generally it is around the 18-25 year market. They use a seperated grid layout which uses an image spacing the entire page layout at the top with seperations into 4 grid boxes below.
Skate company that specialices in apparell. Grid system is very similar to that of Ecko.
Very visually appealing site. Banner Image with 4 seperate images to navigate.
Basic Grid system but very effective.
This is the most visually pleasing design. It is quite a basic design but marrys image and text really well. The site is seperated into sections but remains uniform. The colour scheme is consitent throughout and draws you in.